Monday, March 9, 2009

A Sad Day

Today marks a very sad day in our country. For the past eight years, under the leadership of President Bush, we have held in check the forces that wish to destroy unborn babies. Abortion funding was reduced and to a large extent eliminated in many areas. The rights of the unborn baby were held up as equally important to the rights of the parent. In addition embryonic stem cell research was limited to those strains of stem cell that were in existence at the time and no new lines were allowed to be harvested using federal research funding. However, with the stroke of a pen, President Obama has erased these protections and mandated increased federal funding of abortions and renewed federal funding of embryonic stem cell research, including harvesting new lines of stem cell, harvested from unborn babies who were killed in their mothers wombs.

I refuse to argue with those who want to claim that life does not begin at conception. The only people who make this argument today are those who simply refuse to examine the scientific and medical evidence. It would be more intellectually honest for those individuals to simply acknowledge that they choose to arbitrarily say that life begins at birth or in the case of some people, some time after birth, than to try and argue against all medical evidence and Biblical truth. However, the "big business" and the politics of abortion and embryonic stem cell research continue to try and convince Americans of the fantasy that embryonic stem cell research will do everything from allowing individuals with spinal injuries to walk again to creating the mythical fountain of youth. The facts hardly bear out the gross exaggerations and complete untruths these people preach. For a very fair and scientific examination of the truth about stem cell research and its potential go to .

From my viewpoint, we have a president who has chosen to completely disregard his oath of office. You know, the one where he promised to protect and defend the Constitution of the United States. One of the guiding and fundamental principles of the Constitution is the protection of the rights of those most vulnerable members of our society. If unborn babies do not meet this criteria, then no one does. In 2007, when a democrat-controlled Congress tried to pass legislation to increase federal stem cell research funding, former President George W. Bush made the statement when he vetoed the legislation, "I will not allow this country to cross that moral line." Apparently, our current President does not see that moral line or he chooses to completely disregard it. Sadly, I believe he and many of those who voted for him will one day have to answer for their choices. Let us continue to pray for our nation and our president!

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