Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Ooops! I did it again!

No, I am not referring to the horrific title of the alleged song by the alleged singer Britney Spears! I am referring to what inevitably happens when I watch the "children's video" portion of the wedding video made at our daughter and son-in-law's wedding. I am known as the crier in our family. I generally can be counted on to shed a tear at graduations (kindergarten through college), weddings, funerals, most sermons, patriotic events, family gatherings, good-byes, when the circus comes to town and when the circus leaves town! I blame this on my children and grandchildren. You see, I never cried before they came along. However, I digress!
Anita has become quite adept at producing videos from still photographs and adding appropriate music. She has produced several very professional quality videos for her parent's 65th anniversary, for my parents anniversary and for family graduations. I am very proud of the job she has done on all of these. She has been working on a "children's video" for my nephew's wedding and also for our son's wedding this summer. Last night, she wanted to see the video from our daughter's wedding, to refresh her memory about the special effects, etc. So, I popped it into the DVD player and we watched Alicia and Tim grow from babies through their engagement! Yes, I did shed a tear...again. Then to make matters worse, we decided to watch a video she had compiled for my parents and for her parents that showed Alicia, Mark, Mark Garrett and Luke through the years (or year as the case is for Luke!) The music on the video is perfect and really reflects the love she put into it. It starts with Twila Paris' "Your Whole Life Long", a mother's prayer that her little one will follow Him their whole life long and eventually ends with a song by Michael Minor, called "Let Them Be Little." All in all, it is guaranteed to make me reach for the Kleenex.
I know some people would be embarrassed to admit they shed a tear over things like this, but I count it as a blessing to have been given a heart that is so soft for the ones I love and care about. So, if it is all the same to you, I will continue to shed a tear...for joy, for sadness, for love and family!

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