Tuesday, November 23, 2010


To our friends in the Hewitt-Miller BFG,

The one thing we know in this life, is that we will all face changes throughout our lives.  Some changes are easy, while some are hard and heart-rending.  Anita and I are facing one of those hard changes in our lives.  Sunday was really our last "official" day to be in our Bible Fellowship Group (Sunday School to the uninitiated!)  We will be moving to San Antonio, where I am working on a new hospital tower at Brooke Army Medical Center.  We will be listing our home for sale shortly and we will live in San Antonio until we see where God leads us next.  However, one of the changes that we are making will be to leave our church home and find a new one in San Antonio.  Of all the changes we face in our move, this is the one I really do not look forward to.  Yes, I know all the theological answers...and I accept the fact that God will have a place for us.  However, I still do not like leaving the church where my children came to follow the Lord or where they grew up and where we saw so many of their friends grow up as well.  I especially don't like leaving the "family" that we have in this church.  Over the past few months, we have been encouraged and blessed by the friends that we have come to know and love at this church.  Last year we were blessed to be part of a small group that began a new BFG and I was blessed to be part of a team that taught this class.  Together, we have grown close to each other as we laughed and smiled and celebrated the marriages of children and the births of grandchildren (we are all about the grandchildren in this BFG!)  We have walked beside each other as we have mourned the deaths of parents and loved ones, and we have been devastated by the loss of one of our own.  Through all of this, you wonderful friends have walked beside each other and "have been the church" to each other.  I can never tell them all how much you mean to Anita and to me.  It has been one of the greatest blessings of my life to be a part of this...and I do not want to leave!

However, we will leave and we will be grateful that God will show us where He wants us to be and we will make new friends and family at a new church...but...we will never forget the friends and family we will leave here in Allen!  And in case anyone thinks they are rid of us for good...we will be back!  As the apostle Paul said of the believers at Colossi, "For this reason, since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you. We continually ask God to fill you with the knowledge of his will through all the wisdom and understanding that the Spirit gives" (Colossians 1:9)  We too will continue to pray for this church and for all of our loved ones in the Hewitt-Miller BFG!  Please know that you are all welcome to visit us in San Antonio...in fact, we will be disappointed if you do not!  We love you all and thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your love and friendship.

In His Strength and Love,

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