Tuesday, December 7, 2010

One More Papaw!

This has been a hard year...a year filled with changes.  There have been so many changes that I sometimes have to stop and realize that all of this has happened in less than a year.  If you pinned me down, I guess I would have to tell you that the biggest change was the loss of my Dad, in March.  Sometimes, I still can't believe that I can no longer pick up the phone and tell him about the latest escapade of his two great-grandsons or how beautiful his great-granddaughter is.  I knew him as my Dad, but all of his grandchildren and great grandchildren knew him as their Papaw or Papaw G.C.  So, when I met my first grandson, I knew I would be his Papaw!  All of these thoughts hit me this week, as I remembered that this week would have been my Dad's birthday.

As I thought about these memories this week, another thought struck me...that through the sadness and loss of my Dad, I have a new appreciation and love for my brother.  You see, I have always loved Rusty, but he was my kid brother who hung around with Freeman and me, playing Sports Illustrated Baseball (if you have to ask, you will never "get it!")  This past year, though, I have realized that not only do I love him, but I like him a lot and respect him even more!  We have cried and laughed through all of it and yes, I am even sorry for most of the things I did to him when he was younger...although I am sure that his service as a homemade go-cart crash dummy advanced automotive science by years!  Over the Thanksgiving holiday, Rusty found out that his son, Jeff and his wife, Courtney, were expecting his first grandchild!  We were all very excited and even though I already knew the answer, I had to ask, "What do you want the baby to call you?"  His answer was, "Papaw."  All I can say is, welcome to the Papaw club...you'll be great!   After all, you had a good example!

I love you, Bud!

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